



anthropogenic landscapes, classification of landscapes, focal landscapes, landscape technical systems, river valleys


River valleys are important in the structure of natural landscapes. They are the places of population concentration, ecological gutters and the landscape "framework" around which all other geocomplexes function. If the framework landscapes have been analyzed in detail by scientists, the focal landscapes are inflated beyond the attention of scientists. The purpose of the article is to analyze the structure of focal landscapes on the basis of the improved classification of anthropogenic landscapes by significance on the example of landscapetechnical systems (LTchS) in the river valleys of the model region - the flat part of Right Bank Ukraine. Within the valley-river landscapes, the focal group includes road, mining, agricultural, and beligerative LTchS. Most modern road landscape technical systems belong to the category of "landscape technogenic systems". The destruction of man-made cover is associated with the excessive load on the road surface of motor vehicles, the weight of which often does not meet the established standards. As a result of mining and processing of minerals in river valleys, mining LTchS are formed. Active mining LTchS are formed by quarries, waste rock dumps and beneficiation or crushing and sorting plants and factories. The river valleys of the Right Bank of Ukraine are characterized by new anthropogenic types of areas that were formed after the extraction of minerals: areas of pit-peat wastelands and "rocky badlands". Valley-river agricultural LTchS are represented by water regulation and irrigation systems and vineyards. The lack of modernization and the use of outdated equipment and facilities do not allow the LTchS to fully function and produce the appropriate amount of crops. Beligerative landscape and man-made systems include complexes of defensive nodal structures "lines of defense" of the 20th century. Some critical remarks were made regarding the analysis of the structure of focal landscapes after the beginning of the fullscale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Right Bank Ukraine. It was concluded that in the context of the study of modern anthropogenic landscapes of Ukraine, the study of focal valley-river landscape-technical systems will contribute to a better understanding of their structure and the development of ways of optimization.


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