


winter wheat, soil, structure density, hardness, disc tillage, plowing without a shelf


The article highlights the results of research on over-compaction of the arable layer of the soil during the cultivation of winter wheat. When taking care of winter crops, the greater part of the researched fields begins to be affected by various technical measures in the fall, when at the beginning of September, the corresponding areas are prepared for sowing the crop after harvesting one or another predecessor. As a result, the agronomic value of the fields where the leading culture of modern agriculture of our country is grown is significantly reduced, as well as the productive capacity of the root system of winter wheat significantly deteriorates, which is reflected in a correspondingly negative way on the quality characteristics of plants and harvest. In the studies that took place during 2018-2021, it was established that the method of the main tillage of the soil, namely its depth and the terms of determination in the arable layer, significantly influenced the final bulk mass of its layers. A rather significant deterioration of the structural agrophysical state of the soil and an increase in the hardness of the latter in variants with shallow disc tillage by 10-12 cm is explained, first of all, by the formation of a large dispersion of its seed layer (0-10 cm) and compaction of layers of 10-20 cm in comparison with shelfless plowing. According to the research results, it was established that in all layers of the soil, when the latter was worked with disc harrows of the BDT-3 type, on average, its volume mass increased in the following parameters compared to tillage: 0-10 cm - by 0.13 g/cm3; 10-20 cm - by 0.09 g/cm3; 20-30 cm - by 0.01 g/cm3 and 0-30 cm, respectively, by 0.09 g/cm3. Thus, our research has proven the preservation of the regularity of a larger volumetric mass of the soil when performing a shallow disc tillage of 10-12 cm in comparison with plowing without a shelf of 14-16 cm.


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