


united territorial community, sustainable ecologically safe development, ecological state of the territory, ecological problems, ways of solving ecological problems


Environmentally safe sustainable development is important to achieve at the global, national and local levels. Nowadays, environmental issues are becoming one of the factors hindering Ukraine's economic development and its movement towards the European community. Large-scale reforms in many areas and integration into the EU require Ukraine to take new decisions and practical steps to create an environmentally friendly environment. Our country has actively joined the global process of promoting sustainable development. At the local community level, the implementation of sustainable development goals is carried out through the development and financing of relevant local programs. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the measures of sustainable environmentally safe development of the Kovel territorial community. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to assess the peculiarities of natural conditions and economic development of the studied territory, to analyze the environmental problems of the community, to substantiate the ways of sustainable environmentally sound development of the Kovel territorial community. Methods used: cartographic, constructive-geographical, mathematical modeling, geoinformation modeling, remote sensing, SWOT analysis, expert evaluation. The result of the study is the identification of the most pressing environmental problems facing the community. The scientific novelty is to substantiate the ways of sustainable environmentally safe development of the Kovel territorial community. The practical significance of the study provides for the possibility of using its results to develop strategies for the use of natural resources, develop local environmental programs and prepare project proposals for participation in grant competitions.


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