



Cicer arietinum L., chlorophylls, carotenoids, bacterial suspension, Rhyzogumin


Photosynthesis is the basis of crop productivity, so the study of the structure of the photosynthetic apparatus and of factors influencing its formation and functioning are important for solving the problem of increasing their productive process. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Mesorhizobium ciceri strain ND-64 and the complex microbial preparation Rhyzogumin on the dynamics of photosynthetic pigments content in leaves of Cicer arietinum L. varieties Skarb and Yaryna under soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The study has been conducted on a heavy loamy chernozem of the typical agrobiological laboratory of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University in three variants and four replications. Chickpea seeds of the regular control variant have been moistened with water from the tap at a rate of 2 % by weight before sowing, and the experimental seeds have been moistened with liquid forms of bacterial suspension of the selected strain of Mesorhizobium ciceri ND-64 (BS) and Rhyzogumin according to the manufacturer’s standards. The content of chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids in freshly harvested plant leaves has been determined by the Welbourne method of dimethyl sulfoxide extraction. The extinction coefficients of the obtained solutions have been measured on a UIT SFU-0172 spectrophotometer at wavelengths: λ = 649, 665, 480. It has been found that the use of microbial preparations in the technology of growing chickpea has affected the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves. Inoculation of seeds with M. ciceri ND-64 statistically have significantly increased the content of chlorophyll a. in the leaves during the generative phases of plant growth and development. The use of Rhyzogumin have significantly increased the amount of chlorophyll a in the leaves of Skarb variety. The accumulation of plastid pigments in the leaves also have depended on the phase of ontogenesis and varietal characteristics of plants. The highest content of chlorophylls has been determined in the leaves of plants in the green bean phase in all experimental variants. The microbial preparations have not significantly affected the accumulation of basic carotenoids in the leaves of chickpea of both varieties, have statistically significantly increased the ratio between the amount of chlorophylls a and b, the sum of chlorophylls a and b to the amount of basic carotenoids. The use of microbial preparations based on M. сiceri is a promising element of chickpea technology, which increases the content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves and indirectly affects its productivity.


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