


tomato, hybrid, fruits, fertilization, yield, quality, biochemical substances


The article presents the results of research on the impact of fertilization on the productivity and quality of tomatoes grown in acidic sod-podzolic soil. The research was conducted at the experimental site of the Department of Forestry and Agricultural Management at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The aim of the research was to study the influence of different fertilization systems and growing conditions on the productivity and quality of tomatoes grown in the sod-podzolic soil of Prykarpattia. The research methods included field, laboratory, mathematical, statistical, and computational approaches. It was found that in the 3rd and 4th variants (systematic application of Plantafol Valagro and Rost), it was possible to form 6,2 and 6,1 fruits, which is 2,2 times more compared to the control. On the 90th day, the average increase in the number of fruits was 3–4 pieces. The minimum values were recorded in the second variant and the control (5,7 and 5,2 pieces, respectively), while the highest number of fruits was observed in the third and fourth variants with the application of Plantafol Valagro and Rost – 8,9 pieces, which is 60% more compared to the control. Tomato yield significantly varied depending on the studied factors and amounted to 81,3 t/ha, which is 6,2 t/ha or 8,3% more than in the control. The application of fertilizers resulted in an increase in yield by 44,2 t/ha, which is 53,5% compared to the variants where fertilizers were not used. The use of mineral fertilizers together with Plantafol spraying increased fruit yield by 55,41 t/ha (58,8%) compared to the yield on unfertilized plots. The use of mineral fertilizers together with Rost led to an increase in yield by 54,78 t/ha (57,1%) compared to the control. The dry matter content in tomatoes ranged from 5,2% to 5,5%, while the total sugar content ranged from 3,0% to 3,2%, which were within the normal range. The fertilization systems N120P70K50 + Plantafol and N120P70K50 + Rost showed the best results in terms of sugar content, vitamin C, and dry matter in tomatoes.


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