


triticale, cadmium chloride, experimental fertilizers, succinate, methylamine, aminotransferases, glutamate dehydrogenase, phenolic compounds, TBC-reactive products


Nitrogen metabolism is one of the important metabolic pathways of the functioning of the plant organism, the task of this work is to clarify the biological action of intermediate compounds of nitrogen metabolism, namely, organic acids and amines moreover, both in monodia and in the composition of liquid complex fertilizers, on the activity of key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism, the content of phenolic compounds, TBC-reactive compounds, chlorophyll and ammonia nitrogen in the leaves of Triticosecale L. at the stage of the beginning of tillering. Centrifugation, titration, spectrophotometry and colorimetry methods were used in the experiments. It was found that the effect of the drug Avatarm-2-c increases the activity of AsAT and AlAT by 3.88 and 4.12 times, and GDH by only 19%, respectively. The effect of the organic acid and amine studied in the work on the activity of the abovementioned key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism indicates the specificity of the corresponding chemical reactions, for example, sodium succinate increased the activity of AsAT by 4.2 times, and AlAT by 2.8 times, while the indicator of GDH activity did not change relative to control values. The drug Aminomix in combination with methylamine increased the activity of transaminases by 3.9% and 4.2%, respectively, and the effect of this drug on the activity of dehydrogenase differs downward by 1.7 times, while methylamine had an unequal effect on the activity of AsAT and AlAT, in particular, the activity of the first enzyme increased by 48.3%, and AlAT by 37.5%. The effect of the drug Aminomix in combination with methylamine on GDH activity is manifested in its decrease, on average, by 34.6%. As for the assessment of the level of TBK-active products under the action of the drug Avatarm-2-s and «аvakamm-1-s-exp», a more significant increase of this indicator is found for the second drug, in particular, on average, by 3.8 times, and for the first ‒ 1.9 times. However, the content of phenolic compounds did not correlate with the increase in the content of TBK-active products under the influence of the drug «аvakamm-1-s-exp», which indicates the stabilizing effect of the components of the drug. The drug Aminomix + methylamine increases the content of photosynthetic pigment, on average, by 3.2 times, and methylamine monodiamine manifests itself in a more significant increase of this indicator. The investigated liquid complex preparations both in the form of chelated carboxylates of biogenic microelements and mineral elements in ionic form can be used as adaptogens under negative conditions of agricultural production. The results of the conducted work can be used in the development of new modern fertilizers with a certain biological effect on plants in conditions of imbalance of chemical compounds in the soil-plant system.


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