


phytocenosis, vegetation, xerophytization, quarry, emissions


In the article, we consider the relationship between dump of return water during the extraction of granite from the Shamrayiv deposit and the phytocenotic diversity of the fragment of the Rostavitsa river valley. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of the dump of return water from the Shamrayiv granite deposit on the phytocenotic diversity of the Rostavitsa river valley. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set: to classify the vegetation of the valley of the Rostavitsa River in the area of the dump of return water from the Shamrayiv granite deposit; to determine the diversity of plant communities in the valley of the Rostavitsa River in the area of the dump of return water from the Shamrayiv granite deposit; to determine the impact of the dump of return waters from the Shamrayiv granite deposit on the phytocenotic diversity of the Rostavitsa river valley. The research materials are standard geobotanical descriptions created by semi-stationary and route-expedition methods. The described vegetation is classified according to the modern requirements of the Braun Blanquet school. As a result of the study, it was established that the vegetation of the studied area belongs to 20 classes, 31 orders, 49 unions, and 97 associations defined according to the Braun Blanquet system. Phragmiti- Magnocaricetea (16%), Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (15%) and Artemisietea vulgaris (12%) plant groups have the highest phytocoenotic diversity. Phytocoenotic diversity of the studied fragment of the Rostavichy river valley is relatively high. Its share, compared to the vegetation of the entire valley of the Ros river, into which the Rostavitsa flows, is 91% in terms of vegetation classes, 84% of orders, 84% of unions, and 73% of associations. The vegetation of the valley of the Rostavitsa River in the area of the Shamrayiv granite deposit forms 8 rare habitats listed in Resolution 4 of the Berne Convention. Natural aquatic vegetation in the sump reservoir reduces the level of nitrogen-containing compounds formed as a result of the absorption of explosive residues by water. The impact of dumps of return water dumps on the environment as a whole and on phytocenotic diversity in particular depends on the mineral extraction technology.


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